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Decrypt Your Digital Assets Potential

Akrido Digital Assets empowers busy professionals with the education and tools needed to succeed in Bitcoin and digital assets.



Simplify Your Digital Asset Experience with Akrido Digital Assets.

Navigating the ever-evolving world of Bitcoin and digital assets can be overwhelming for busy professionals and tradespeople. At Akrido, we alleviate this stress by providing comprehensive resources and up-to-date market insights. With seven years of industry expertise, our tools are designed to help you confidently engage with the digital assets space.

Explore our tailored subscription plans designed to meet your unique educational needs.


How to Get Started with Akrido

  1. Open a Binance or OKX Exchange Account depending on your location and availability.
  2. Create an API key in your Binance account and enter this at checkout. See Instructions
  3. Choose your preferred subscription package on and purchase your subscription. You can also book a free discovery call at any point for assistance and help.
  4. Head to your new login members dashboard after purchase to complete the final setup.
  5. Enjoy your portfolio growing stress-free and emotionless, with zero manual effort needed, all from your account with funds in your control at all times.

Our Services

Akrido Subscriptions

Our subscription plans are designed to provide you with the tools, guidance, and educational resources to succeed in the digital asset market.

Crypto Essentials

Gain access to three key custom strategies: Bitcoin Mastery ,Solana and Binance Coin . A straightforward, focused approach for streamlined investing.

€99.99 per month or €1188 €1069.99 yearly (10% discount) + a setup feeCrypto Essentials Tier Setup Fee:
The setup fee covers the personalization of your account, including the configuration of three strategies with unique IP addresses and webhooks for seamless auto-trading integration on TradingView. Our team ensures everything is expertly configured for optimal performance.

  • Swing trades, spot market 4hr timeframe
  • Access three key custom strategies.
  • Fully automated for convenience.
  • Monthly macro reports.
  • Full access to educational materials and members’ area.
  • Maintain full control over your funds.

Akrido Alt Coin Advantage

Offers the flexibility to choose any six strategies from the list of ten, allowing clients to tailor their investment focus.

€199.99 per month or €2399.99 €2159.99 yearly (10% discount) + a setup feeAltcoin Advantage Tier Setup Fee:
The setup fee facilitates the comprehensive personalization of your account, including detailed configuration of six strategies. Each client receives unique IP settings and webhooks, along with hands-on assistance to ensure your TradingView is fully optimized for advanced auto-trading.

  • Swing trades, spot market 4hr timeframe
  • Choose any six from ten strategies.
  • Up to three strategy swaps per year.
  • Monthly macro reports.
  • Educational materials and members’ area.
  • Full autonomy over your funds.

Our Client’s Stories

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Curious about Bitcoin and digital assets? Akrido Digital Assets can speak at your event, on your podcast, or to provide information for your news story.